Saturday, March 2, 2013

Response to Tammy Chou

I believe that the most popular products, or even sometimes the most successful products are additions to existing product lines, or improvements or revisions of existing products. I feel as those these two are the more popular and have the highest potential for success because they are not brand new, they are instead related products to another product.

This means that the success and or failure of a products has already been determined; it has been put on the market for sale and it can be evaluated. Once a product had already been exposed and evaluated, it can be much easier to move on in expanding a product on fixing a product that may have had some imperfections. Thus, improving a product and overall importing profits.

Also, new lines can come out of already existing products, specializing products for each individual.

I think that changing a design for a products can be very beneficial in selling the products, because no only would you be selling a product, but you're selling it for a specific individual. By slightingly altering a design of a products because the line is different, shows that the product has adjusted to fit the needs of it's consumers.In turn making it more appealing for customers.

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